Good News

Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

Buku-buku yang wajib dibaca kaum muda

The Covenant Marriage program encourages Christians to exercise the promises and expectations of God covenant love in marriage. Practicing Covenant Marriage means couples must offer each other steadfast loyalty, forgiveness, empathy, and commitment to resolving conflict so as to encourage each other in spiritual growth. In this new book, Dr. Chapman shows how communication and intimacy are two of the most important aspects in developing a successful Covenant Marriage. At the heart of it all are the principles that lasting answers to marital growth are found in the Bible, your relationship with God enhances your marriage relationship, communication is the primary vehicle by which two persons become one in the marriage relationship, and the idea of biblical oneness involves not only sex, but intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and social oneness.

Covenant Marriage
The Covenant Marriage program encourages Christians to exercise the promises and expectations of God covenant love in marriage. Practicing Covenant Marriage means couples must offer each other steadfast loyalty, forgiveness, empathy, and commitment to resolving conflict so as to encourage each other in spiritual growth. In this new book, Dr. Chapman shows how communication and intimacy are two of the most important aspects in developing a successful Covenant Marriage. At the heart of it all are the principles that lasting answers to marital growth are found in the Bible, your relationship with God enhances your marriage relationship, communication is the primary vehicle by which two persons become one in the marriage relationship, and the idea of biblical oneness involves not only sex, but intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and social oneness.

Dosa-dosa Spektakuler oleh John Piper
Mustahil untuk benar-benar memahami dahsyatnya penghiburan dari kedaulatan Allah sebelum kita terlebih dahulu memikirkan kedaulatan tersebut di dalam terang sengsara, penderitaan, kejahatan dan dosa. John Piper memberikan hadiah yang berharga bagi gereja dengan menunjukkan bagaimana keterjatuhan dunia ini telah dirancang bagi kebaikan ultimat kita dan kemuliaan ultimat Allah. Buku ini adalah seruan yang alkitabiah dan meyakinkan bagi generasi ini untuk memperhatikan dunia Allah di dalam terang firman Allah.

Mematikan Dosa: Suatu Pengajaran Alkitabiah Praktis
Dangkalnya kerohanian yang terjadi saat ini disebabkan dangkalnya pemahaman kita terhadap dosa. Kaum Puritan memandang Allah di dalam segenap kekudusan, keagungan, otoritas, kedaulatan, dan kuasa-Nya sehingga memahami betapa berdosa, cemar dan liciknya hati manusia. Kehidupan yang kudus bukanlah relik dari zaman Puritan, melainkan aspek yang esensial dari kehidupan orang Kristen sejati sepanjang masa. AIM - Magazine of the Evangelical of India, Vol. 28 No. 1

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