Good News

Jumat, 05 Januari 2018

Google Scholar "tidak mau" merekam sititasi oleh Hengki Wijaya

Mulanya keduanya akur-akur saja hingga satu waktu semua artikel di yang sudah terbaca oleh google scholar menjadi tidak dideteksi oleh google scholar dalam seketika memberikan signal yang kurang baik dan menyatakan adanya "permusuhan" atas apa yang terjadi. Apakah ini adalah perseteruan diam-diam antara google dan pihak otomatis sititasi yang terdapat di tidak akan terekam di google scholar mungkin pula sebaliknya. Sementara dikti cenderung menggunakan google scholar dilihat dari sitasi jurnal, artikel dan buku, sementara ruang lingkup dan interaksi ilmuan dapat tercapai di

Mr. Rami asks "Google Scholar Profile has a more complete record of my publications and citations than Research Gate; twice as many.  I would like Research Gate to also be completer." How?

Mr. Dean Answers

Correct - what your publication profile looks like on RG is essentially up to you Rami. Either by accepting publications identified in the system or, as Mohamed states, adding them manually. Yes - Google Scholar is certainly more generous than RG in terms of citation - but then it includes a wider body of published material i.e. research dissertations, reports etc. RG (and other less generous databases - such as Scopus and ISI - Web of Science) tend to focus on journal and text citation. In RG - you can also now add datasets (which I don't bother doing) - which other databases wouldn't acknowledge.

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