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Kamis, 25 Desember 2014

The Book of Jonah Structure By Hengki Wijaya

Struktur berdasarkan Urutan Pasal

A.      Panggilan yang pertama dan usaha Yunus melarikan diri ke Tarsis (1:1-17)
B.       Allah menyelamatkan Yunus dan tanggapan Yunus melalui doa dalam perut ikan besar (2:1-10)
C.       Panggilan kedua dan Tanggapan Niniwe terhadap pemberitaan Yunus (3:1-10)
D.      Yunus mengeluh kepada Tuhan dan pelajaran berharga dari Allah kepada Yunus (4:1-11)

Panggilan Yunus[1]

I.              TUHAN memanggil Yunus, tetapi Yunus melarikan diri ke Tarsis (1:1-2:10)
A.      Yunus melarikan diri ke Tarsis (1:1-3)
B.       TUHAN mendatangkan angin besar ke atas kapal yang ditumpangi Yunus (1:4-16)
C.       Yunus di dalam perut ikan (1:17-2:10)
II.           Pasal 3-4 Panggilan kedua
A.   Yunus pergi ke Niniwe (3:1-3a)
B.  Pertobatan orang Niniwe (3:3b-11)
C.   Pelajaran bagi Yunus (4:1-11)
Struktur Berdasarkan Panggilan[2]

I.              Panggilan Yunus dan pelariannya (1:1-2:10)
A  Panggilan Yunus (1:1-2)
       B   Yunus di kapal menuju Tarsis (1:3)
                   C   Dilema dan doa para pelaut (1:4-8)
                            D  Proklamasi Yunus (1:9)
                   C’  Respond an penyelamatan (1:10-16)
       B’  Yunus di dalam ikan (1:17-2:1)
                                              Doa Yunus (2:2-9)
       B”  Yunus di darat (2:10)
II.           Yunus di Niniwe (3:1-4:11)
     A  Panggilan Yunus (3:1-2)
            B   Yunus di Niniwe (3:3)
                                 D  Pemberitaan Yunus (3:4)
                        C  Dilema, respon, dan penyelamatan Niniwe (3:5-10)
                                                   Ratapan Yunus (4:1-4)
            B’  Yunus di bawah naungan (4:5-7)
                        C’ Dilema dan respon Yunus (4:8-9)
                                 D’  Pemberitaan Allah (4:10-11)

Jonah and God[3]

I.       Jonah Flees From God Will. 1:1-17
A. God Commissions Jonah. 1:1-2
B. Jonah Runs from God. 1:3
C. God Stops Jonah from Running. 1:4-17
1.        God sends a storm. 1:4-8
2.        Jonah Admits His Failure. 1:8-17
3.        Jonah is Swallowed by the Great Fish. 1:17
II.      Jonah Turns Back to God. 2:1-10
A. Jonah's Prayer. 2:1-9
B. Jonah is Delivered by God. 2:10
III.    Jonah Preaches God's Message of Repentance. 3:1-10
A. God Again Commissions Jonah. 3:1-2
B. Jonah Obeys God. 3:3-4
C. Nineveh Repents. 3:5-10
IV.    The Sinful Condition of Jonah's Heart Surfaces. 4:1-3
V.      God's Response to Jonah's Harden Heart. 4:4-11
A. God Seeks to Comfort Jonah. 4:4-7
B. God Rebukes Jonah. 4:8-11

Prophet and Calling[4]

I.     THE DISOBEDIENT PROPHET or “God Said, ‘Go East’ So Jonah Went West” 1:1-2:10
A.   The Call of Jonah 1:1-3
       1.  Its Source 1:1-2
       2.  Its Rejection 1:3
B.   The Storm of Jonah 1:4-16
       1.  Its Description—What Was It Like? 1:4-6
            a. Its True Cause 1:4
       b. Its Supposed Cause 1:5-6
       2.  Its Interpretation—What Does It Mean? 1:7-10
       a. The Lot Cast 1:7
       b. The Questions Asked 1:8
       c. The Answer Given 1:9
       d. The Conclusion Reached 1:10
       3.  Its Application—What Shall We Do? 1:11-16
       a. The Sailors’ Question 1:11-12
       b. The Sailors’ Evasion 1:13
       c. The Sailors’ Prayer 1:14
       d. The Sailors’ Action 1:15
       e. The Sailors’ Respect 1:16
       C.             The Protection of Jonah 1:17
       D.             The Prayer of Jonah 2:1-9
       E. The Delivery of Jonah 2:10

II.   THE OBEDIENT PROPHET or “The Second Call to Nineveh” 3:1-4:11
       A.             The Salvation of Nineveh 3:1-10
     1.   The Message 3:1-4
     2.   The Response 3:5-9
                   a.  Of the People 3:5
                   b.  Of the King 3:6-9
(1) Fasting Was Practiced in Times of Mourning
(2) Fasting Was Practiced in Connection with Making Requests of God
(3) Fasting Was Practiced in Connection with Confession of Sin
(4) Fasting Was Practiced in Connection with an Official Feast
3.   The Salvation 3:10
       B.             The Distress of Jonah 4:1-11
     1.   His Anger 4:1-4
     2.   His Lesson 4:5-11
       a. His Move 4:5
       b. His Experience 4:6-8
       c. His Lesson 4:9-11

[1] A. Th. Kramer, Tafsiran Alkitab: Kitab Yunus (Jakarta:BPK Gunung Mulia, 1998), viii dan 3-4.
[2] Willem A. VanGemeran, Penginterpretasian Kitab Para Nabi (Surabaya: Momentum, 2007), 148.
[3] Cooper Abrams, An Outline Commentary on the Book of Jonah; diakses pada tanggal 22 Maret 2013; tersedia di
             [4] Chester A. Mccalley, Jonah  A Commentary Outline ; diakses pada tanggal 22 Maret 2013; tersedia di

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