Good News

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Abstrak: Pendekatan Etika Kristen Dalam Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Plagiarisme Akademik Dalam Mendukung Gerakan Anti Plagiarisme Di Perguruan Tinggi oleh Hengki Wijaya

Pendekatan Etika Kristen Dalam Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Plagiarisme Akademik Dalam Mendukung Gerakan Anti Plagiarisme Di Perguruan Tinggi
Hengki Wijaya[1]

The aims of this paper are knowing to prevent plagiarism cases in academia in Higher education and seeking solution from Christian ethic approach as Antiplagiarism movement in Higher education. Writing it includes understanding and scope plagiarism occurring in education world. Understanding right about plagiarism help students and sivitas akademika to it can prevent the plagiarism in his studies and having attitude anti plagiarism with excellence integrity and rectitude in work in this research and the work of write them. Goverment regulation and the code of conduct college executed with firmly to prevent and handle plagiarism in college. Concern stakeholders and the government regulation and code of conduct and wisdom and change in the think of plagiarism with the ethics in this rules of religion can decrease the action of plagiarism and build antiplagiarism attitude.
Keywords: plagiarism, cheating, higher, education, Christian, ethic, regulation, law.

[1] Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray sekaligus Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan STT Jaffray Makassar.

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